Pas connu mais exposé, la belle histoire d'ArtGenève 2025
Florence Millioud, Tribune de Genève, January 31, 2025 -
Marché de l'art: Artgenève s’est sagement mis sur orbite mercredi à Palexpo
Etienne Dumont, Bilan, January 29, 2025 -
Exposition. Le jeu aux multiples pistes de John Armleder
Eléonore Sulser, Le Temps, December 21, 2024 -
Donation Olivier Varenne et Beaubourg
Tribune de Genève, December 12, 2024 -
Fabrice Bousteau, Beaux Arts Magazine, December 1, 2024 -
A major work by Chiharu Shiota joins the collection of the Centre Pompidou
Art daily, November 27, 2024 -
Marie-Hélène Giostra – Soubresauts
Radio Cité, November 26, 2024 -
John Armleder joue à collectionner les hasards à Genève
Irène Languin, Tribune de Genève, November 22, 2024 -
Chiharu Shiota: entre l’intime et le monumental, l’art du fil rouge au Grand Palais
Valérie Duponchelle, Le Figaro, November 20, 2024 -
Les Bains fêtent leurs 20 ans avec de nouveaux accrochages
Etienne Dumont, Bilan, November 16, 2024 -
A Genève, le Quartier des Bains fête ses 20 ans
Emmanuel Grandjean, The Art Newspaper, November 14, 2024 -
Rising Master-Painter Móyòsóré Martins Takes Europe By Storm With Concurrent Exhibitions In Geneva And Paris
Natascha Gural, Forbes, October 7, 2024 -
Colorado Ski Firm Wagner Teams Up With Rising Nigerian Artist Móyò
Sofia Celeste, WWD, September 30, 2024 -
Collectioneur Malgré Lui
Frédéric Brillet, Mieux Vivre Votre Argent, June 16, 2024 -
Quand les surréalistes s’intéressaient à l’autoportrait pour explorer l’inconscient
Jacques Magnol, Genève Active, June 10, 2024 -
Exposition ‘Rétroviseur’, quand les surréalistes jouent avec l’autoportrait
The Gaze of a Parisienne, May 22, 2024 -
Quand les surréalistes faisaient leur autoportrait
Irène Languin, Tribune de Genève, May 16, 2024 -
L'Autoportrait surréaliste chez Olivier Varenne
Etienne Dumont, Bilan, May 1, 2024 -
Chiharu Shiota tisse le décor d’«Idoménée»
Carole Kittner, Tribune des Arts, February 8, 2024 -
Chiharu Shiota prend Idoménée dans ses filets
Eléonore Sulser, Le Temps, February 7, 2024 -
Kunstbulletin - Olivier Varenne
Kunstbulletin, February 1, 2024 -
À Genève, les galeries font leur retour
Emmanuel Grandjean, The Art Newspaper, January 8, 2024 -
Le cinéma Splendid se met à l’art contemporain
Etienne Dumont, Bilan, December 20, 2023 -
Le Splendid se mue en lieu d'art
Radio Vostok, December 18, 2023 -
Quand le Splendid flirte avec l’Underground pour une exposition
Jacques Magnol, Genève Active, December 17, 2023 -
D’art et de vin chez Mouton Rothschild
Pour le millésime 2021, le fameux Château invite l’artiste Chiharu Shiota à illustrer son étiquette.Carole Kittner, Tribune de Genève, December 7, 2023 -
Onze artistes titillent la pupille au Splendid
Le galeriste Olivier Varenne s’empare des salles où étaient projetés des films pour adultes afin d’y présenter un bel ensemble d’œuvres jouant avec les sens.Irène Languin, Tribune de Genève, November 29, 2023 -
A Genève, le Splendid réinventé accueille un art outrageux
Francesca Serra, Le Temps, November 28, 2023 -
L'art contemporain s'exhibe au Splendid
Gilles Mielot, Léman Bleu, November 27, 2023 -
Alain Elkann interviews Paolo Colombo
Alain Elkann, Alain Elkann Interviews, November 26, 2023 -
"Sex, bodies and the human condition": MONA artistic director to curate racy group show in former Swiss porn cinema
Gareth Harris, The Art Newspaper, November 21, 2023 -
Paolo Colombo revient à Genève en tant qu'artiste
Carole Kittner, Tribune de Genève, November 9, 2023 -
Coups de coeur en Galeries!
The Gaze of a Parisienne, October 27, 2023 -
Bernard Borgeaud, la beauté du geste
Emmanuel Grandjean, The Art Newspaper, October 25, 2023 -
L'oeil du commissaire priseur - Olivier Varenne
Radio Cité Genève, Radio Cité, September 28, 2023 -
Point de Fuite
Aurore de Granier, Go Out! , September 10, 2023 -
Collector David Walsh's subterranean Mona museum expanding to house 'dream library'.
Gareth Harris, The Art Newspaper, August 31, 2023 -
«Il faut à tout prix préserver les grands arbres»
Irène Languin, Tribune de Genève, June 6, 2023 -
Art nomade et insaisissable
Carole Kittner, Tribune des Arts, March 8, 2023 -
Les « Wrapped Trees » de Christo à Genève
Carole Kittner, Tribune des Arts, March 2, 2023 -
Swiss dealers and collectors make their mark at artgenève—with optimistic advice for Brexit Britain
Gareth Harris, The Art Newspaper, January 27, 2023 -
Passeur d'art
Eléonore Sulser, Le Temps, January 23, 2023 -
Olivier Varenne ouvre aux Bains
Emmanuel Grandjean, January 11, 2023 -
Gambling mogul and museum-founder David Walsh: ‘Art is all about sex and death’
Georgina Adam, Financial Times, January 11, 2023 -
Artist Tomás Saraceno wants to improve our knowledge about atmospheres – and arachnids
Jan Hogan, The Conversation, December 20, 2022 -
The artist ‘most likely to change the world’? Tomás Saraceno on making art from dust, webs and pollution
Kate Hennessy, The Guardian, December 19, 2022 -
Tomás Saraceno Exhibits Air at Hobart’s Mona Museum
Sam Gaskin, Ocula, December 16, 2022 -
Olivier Varenne installe ses pénates rue des Bains
Etienne Dumont, Bilan, November 22, 2022 -
Bowie’s handwritten Starman lyrics sell for stellar £200,000
Nadeem Badshah, The Guardian, September 27, 2022 -
Larry Gagosian: «Je crois en Paris, ville des musées et de la culture»
Valérie Duponchelle, Le Figaro, September 15, 2021 -
MONA: Les 10 ans d'un project fou
Françoise , Beaux Arts Magazine, August 1, 2021 -
Mona, le musée du bout du monde
Christophe Averty, La Gazette Drouot, May 21, 2021 -
MONA’s decade of daring and Tasmanian devilry
Peter Hill , Financial Times, January 27, 2021 -
Tasmania's Mona gets a major revamp – but will it lure the locals?
Jenny Valentish, The Guardian, December 30, 2020 -
Rehung and revamped Mona Museum in Tasmania opens it's doors after nine-month closure
Gareth Harris, The Art Newspaper , December 28, 2020 -
3 questions à David Walsh
Olivier Kaeser, Grand Théâtre magazine n°5 - Nos élixirs (page 36) , October 12, 2020 -
Christian Boltanski: "J'ai proposé au diable de parier sur ma mort, et j'ai gagné."
Luc Debraine, Grand théâtre magazine n°5 - Nos élixirs (pages 32-35), October 12, 2020 -
Jonathan Delachaux: Voyage au bout du monde
J.A, L'Illustré, June 29, 2020 -
Destination Tasmanie: Jonathan Delachaux
Gemma d'Urso, Le Temps, June 15, 2020 -
L’œuvre tranchée d’Alain Jacquet
roxana Azimi, le monde, October 21, 2019 -
Daniel Varenne : l'oeil d'un marchand d'art contemporain de Dubuffet à Christo
Judith Benhamou-Huet, Les Echos, October 10, 2019 -
Art heaven or hell? Museum’s epic £15m tunnel brings to life Dante’s Divine Comedy
TIM STONE, the art newspaper, July 18, 2019 -
An Invitation to Darkness: MONA's New Tasmanian Tunnel
Emma-Kate Wilson, mutual art, July 16, 2019 -
Oh my God! MONA’s new tunnels to enlightenment
Oscar Capezio, art monthly, July 12, 2019 -
Tunnels to nowhere
brand tasmania, June 22, 2019 -
Pain and Suffering But Make It Art: A Weekend at Dark Mofo
Wendy Syfret, vice, June 21, 2019 -
Your guide to the final week of Dark Mofo
Emily Jarvie, examiner, June 18, 2019 -
Art heaven or hell? Museum’s epic £15m tunnel brings to life Dante’s Divine Comedy
washington latest, June 18, 2019 -
Art heaven or hell? Museum’s epic £15m tunnel brings to life Dante’s Divine Comedy
unique news, June 18, 2019 -
Along the Dark Path
Review: Siloam and Simon Denny’s Mine, Mona/Dark Mofo (TAS)
RICHARD WATTS, arts hub, June 17, 2019 -
Best free things to do at Dark Mofo 2019
spirit of tasmania, June 16, 2019 -
Creepy much? The weirdest things at Dark Mofo 2019
Hannah Francis, smh, June 15, 2019 -
Dark Mofo 2019: Got a question? We can answer it
the mercury, June 14, 2019 -
Dark Mofo 2019: a journey through the inferno to robots and extinction
Julie Shiels, the conversation, June 13, 2019 -
Fender Katsalidis completes subterranean ‘tunnel to nowhere’ at MONA
architecture au, June 11, 2019 -
Heavens below: introducing Siloam, Mona’s new extension
global travel media, June 11, 2019 -
MONA's new 40-minute art experience requires you to wear a safety restraint
Ben Neutze, time out, June 11, 2019 -
Heavens below: Introducing Siloam, Mona's new extension
art daily, June 10, 2019 -
Chas Hughes , the f, June 10, 2019 -
Toby Ziegler : Your Shadow Rising
elli walsh, scribd, March 15, 2019 -
SUBSCRIBE Toby Ziegler: Your Shadow Rising
BRIONY DOWNES, art guide, January 24, 2019 -
Mona Museum of Old and New Art set to show six exhibitions this summer
art daily, December 24, 2018 -
Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni’s “The Everted Capital”
Tara McDowell, art agenda reviews, December 21, 2018 -
Inside the Bewildering Pharos Wing at Tasmania’s Mona Museum
Jessica Wynne Lockhart, azure magazine, December 18, 2018 -
Big hit exhibitions to see these summer holidays
Gina Fairley, arts hub, December 14, 2018 -
Toby Ziegler's MONA moment taps art of the 21st century
Andrew Stephens, smh, December 7, 2018 -
Toby Ziegler: Your shadow rising
Melissa Pesa, art almanac, November 29, 2018 -
The Everted Capital and Your Shadow Rising
Lauren Carroll Harris, the saturday paper, November 24, 2018 -
Toby Ziegler
elli walsh, artist profile, November 22, 2018 -
'They're making their own kind of world': two Mona shows challenge the visitor
Steph Harmon, the guardian, November 17, 2018 -
A Journey to Freedom
Evasion Australie / Lifestyle -
Marché de l'art : Artgeneve petite mais de qualité.
Judith Benhamou-huet, Les Echos -
5 Questions with James Brett
Robert Shore, Elephant Magazine -
MONA’s hallucinatory new Pharos wing
camd, July 26, 2018 -
A new take on an old artistic vision
Stephanie Convery, gulf news, July 25, 2018 -
In pictures: the hallucinatory new Pharos wing at Tasmania’s Museum of Old and New Art
Tim Stone, The Art Newspaper, July 11, 2018 -
Must-see exhibitions of summer 2018: Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Australia
christies, July 5, 2018 -
Du caractère vital de la création
Caroline Figwer, ArtsHebdoMedias, June 29, 2018 -
Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni: The Unmanned, Part Two
Roslyn Helper, art almanac, June 28, 2018 -
Hobart's Museum of Old and New Art steps back in time with its playful new exhibition Zero
Dee Jefferson, abc news, June 27, 2018 -
On the Inside
BRIONY DOWNES, art guide tasmania, June 25, 2018 -
2 things you missed at Dark Mofo – A JOURNEY TO FREEDOM and SHAUN GLADWELL
analix forever, June 25, 2018 -
We Asked Inmates to Critique an Art Show About Jail
Mahmood Fazal, Vice, June 22, 2018 -
Museum of Old and New Art (MONA)
e-flux, June 21, 2018 -
A Museum in Tasmania Gathers the Founders of the Zero Art Movement
Phillip Barcio, ideel art, June 18, 2018 -
Zero reimagined: a new take on an old artistic vision
Stephanie Convey, The Guardian, June 16, 2018 -
ZERO is the beginning
Jenny Valentish, the monthly, June 13, 2018 -
Incarceration and time’s passing are eloquently explored at Dark Mofo
Julie Shiels, the conversation, June 12, 2018 -
A Journey to Freedom exhibition opens at TMAG
tasmanian times, June 7, 2018 -
point contemporain, June 3, 2018 -
Vibration in ZERO
May 31, 2018 -
Meet the Joker: the Australian who is the biggest gambler in the world
Kate McClymont, The Age, May 17, 2018 -
The End is the Beginning
STEVE DOW, art guide, May 15, 2018 -
At ZERO You Can Experience the Influential Art Movement That Disappeared in a Puff of Smoke
WILL COX, broadsheets, May 15, 2018 -
Ausstellung: ZERO im MONA Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart
galerie breckner, April 16, 2018 -
CHRIS KELLY , hunter and bligh, April 7, 2018 -
Museum of Old and New Art (MONA)
e-flux, March 29, 2018 -
Interacting with art and food in Tasmanian hottest museum
Mathilde Lester, museeum, March 28, 2018 -
A sensorial experience at Pharos, MONA's new $32 million wing
walk to art, March 23, 2018 -
MONA's New Exhibition Is an Immersive Ode to the Radical Artists of Post-War Germany
Jasmine Crittenden , concrete playground, March 23, 2018 -
VISUAL ART PHAROS & THE UNMANNED Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart
Margaret Gordon, smh, March 6, 2018 -
How Hobart became a mainlander’s dream
Gabriella Coslovich, the sydney morning herald, February 27, 2018 -
Tasmania's Dark Mofo gets darker as MONA influence expands
Gabriella Coslovich, financial review, February 23, 2018 -
MELISSA OGIER, the garb wire, February 22, 2018 -
The Museum of Everything #7
e-flux / art agenda, February 19, 2018 -
A Chat About Mona’s Brain-Bending New Wing, Pharos
MARCUS TEAGUE, the broadsheet, February 15, 2018 -
MONA FOMA Made Me Wish I Gambled More With My Life
Mahmood Fazal, vice, February 2, 2018 -
Pharos at Mona: a labyrinth of sensory delights
Jenny Valentish, The Monthly, January 30, 2018 -
Blinded by the light: James Turrell obliterates the senses in stunning new Mona wing
Brigid Delaney, The Guardian, January 25, 2018 -
Venice 56th Art Biennale | part 2: France – Austria – the Netherlands
FEDERICA LUSIARDI , Inexhibit, December 13, 2017 -
The Museum Of Non-Artists – A Review Of The Museum Of Everything.
Maddie Burrows, togatus, November 22, 2017 -
The Museum of Everything at MONA, Tasmania
raw vision, November 14, 2017 -
The Museum of Everything, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
HELEN HAYES, vacations&travel, November 7, 2017 -
GENÈVE/Olivier Varenne va installer la galerie MONAD aux Bains
Etienne Dumont, Bilan, October 19, 2017 -
A hobart, un musee qui de
Joelle Kuntz, Le Temps, September 9, 2017 -
Fie Les Codes
Le Temps, September 9, 2017 -
A Hobart, un musée qui défie les codes
Joelle Kuntz, Le Temps, September 8, 2017 -
Dan Miller and Judith Scott Featured | The Museum of Everything at Mona | Tasmania, Australia
creative growth, August 31, 2017 -
The Museum of Everything heads to Hobart
green, August 24, 2017 -
But is it art…? The Museum of Everything comes to town
Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore, the spectator, August 19, 2017 -
The art of the ordinary
Kylie Northover, smh, August 14, 2017 -
Jens Wolter, talking about art, August 10, 2017 -
Danemark : une biennale qui expose Manzoni et des poules ultra performantes
Les Echos, August 1, 2017 -
The Pioneering Visionary Behind The Museum of Everything
By Nicholas Forrest, BlouinArtinfo International, August 1, 2017 -
Australians Have Beef with Hermann Nitsch Performance Involving Bull Carcass
Claire Voon, hyperallergic, July 19, 2017 -
Done to death The Hermann Nitsch experience
Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore, the spectator, July 8, 2017 -
900 Gather to Witness Hermann Nitsch’s Blood-Filled Performance Art
Alanna Martinez, observer, June 21, 2017 -
Things I Learned Watching People Tear a Bull Apart
Julian Morgans, vice, June 21, 2017 -
Eleven things at Dark Mofo that were worth the FOMO
dee jefferson, time out, June 20, 2017 -
Can blood, guts and gore in art be beautiful? Nitsch shows it can
Stephanie Convery, the guardian, June 20, 2017 -
Dark Mofo: Hermann Nitsch's bull slaughter show gets mixed reviews
Elise Fantin, ABC News, June 20, 2017 -
Queenstown-inspired art in MONA
Lachlan Bennett, the advocate, June 19, 2017 -
At The Museum of Everything, Art Doesn’t Exist
Wendy Syfret, vice, June 19, 2017 -
Weird, People Are Protesting An Art Performance Featuring 500 Liters Of Bull Blood
Priscilla Frank, huffpost, June 19, 2017 -
Despite protests, Tasmania gives Nitsch his biggest-ever audience
tim stone, the art newspaper , June 19, 2017 -
Dark Mofo: Hermann Nitsch's arty Hobart bloodbath not cowed by animal rights protesters
Hannah Francis, The Sydney Morning Herald, June 18, 2017 -
James Brett and The Museum of Everything
STEVE DOW, art guide, June 17, 2017 -
A Bit of Everything
Tas Weeekend, June 17, 2017 -
The compulsion to create: ‘outsider art’ at MONA’s The Museum of Everything
Ted Snell, The Conversation, June 13, 2017 -
‘The private life of art’: the Museum of Everything opens in Hobart
Brigid Delaney, The Guardian, June 13, 2017 -
MONA's latest offering The Museum of Everything shining light on unknown artists
Rhiannon Shine, ABC News, June 10, 2017 -
The Museum of Everything
Radio National, June 9, 2017 -
Dark Mofo’s Hermann Nitsch ‘action’ sparks controversy in Hobart
JANE CORNWELL, the australian, June 3, 2017 -
Museum of Everything founder brings 'outsider art' exhibition to MONA
Jemima Whyte, Financial Review, May 19, 2017 -
The Base of the World
Louisa Elderton, Frieze, May 1, 2017 -
Denmark: an exceptional Zero group exhibition and its heirs, from super performing chicken to Wim Delvoye
Judith Benhamou Reports, May 1, 2017 -
Monuments to mundanity at the Socle du Monde Biennale
Nausikaä El-Mecky, Apollo Magazine, April 28, 2017 -
Le Danemark, royaume du « Socle du monde »
Christophe Rioux, Le Quotidien de L'Arte, April 28, 2017 -
The Museum of Everything
Sarah Ward , concrete playground, April 27, 2017 -
Exhibition // Socle du Monde: Denmark’s Oldest Contemporary Art Biennial
Berlin Art Link, April 27, 2017 -
Seventh Socle du Monde Biennale set to open in Herning
art daily , April 25, 2017 -
Monopol, April 22, 2017 -
Herning Rend hommage a manzoni
Connaissance des Arts, April 21, 2017 -
Socle du Monde, April 21, 2017 -
MONA's David Walsh defends 'slaughter' art show, says public outrage good for business, Tas economy
James Dunlevie, ABC News, April 20, 2017 -
Dark Mofo artist Hermann Nitsch's 'ritual' slammed by animal rights groups
Hannah Francis, The Sydney Morning Herald, April 19, 2017 -
Bloody Dark Mofo artwork using slaughtered bull 'crosses the line', RSPCA says
Calla Wahlquist, The Guardian, April 19, 2017 -
Dark Mofo's 'bloody, sacrificial ritual' blasted by animal rights group
Rhiannon Shine and James Dunlevie, ABC News, April 19, 2017 -
Art Abbs, April 1, 2017 -
Evolution: Four takes on the evolution of art
Nurin Veis, Nature, March 22, 2017 -
The 2017 Socle du Monde Biennale Announces Participating Artists
Caroline Elbaor, art news, February 20, 2017 -
On the Origin of Art
sean kelly, artlink, February 8, 2017 -
Pull up the roots: Review of ‘On the Origin of Art’
Doug Dillaman, the pantograph punch, February 2, 2017 -
Getting to grips with the nature of art at Mona
Tim Walsh, apollo art magazine , January 19, 2017 -
fibonacci stone, December 23, 2016 -
CHLOÉ WOLIFSON, art asia pacific, November 30, 2016 -
On the Origin of Art (MONA)
CHRISTOPHER MENZ, abr, November 28, 2016 -
MONA’s New Exhibition Gets Personal
WILL COX, broadsheet, November 22, 2016 -
ultimate winery experiences australia, November 22, 2016 -
MONA’s ‘On the Origin of Art’
Patrick Hartigan, Saturday paper , November 19, 2016 -
David Walsh of Mona: on art, sex and why (gallery) size matters
Steph Harmon, the guardian , November 8, 2016 -
On the Origin of Art
BRIONY DOWNES, art guide australia, November 4, 2016 -
Is art really just about bonking? MONA's David Walsh ruffles feathers (again)
John Bailey, The Age, November 4, 2016 -
God, sex or evolution – why did humans start making art?
Jonathan Jones, The Guardian, November 3, 2016 -
MONA’s On the Origin of Art: David Walsh’s tale of four visions
SHARON VERGHIS, the australian , October 21, 2016 -
Larry's List
Forbes, October 6, 2016 -
Museum professionals back new contemporary art sales platform
culture360, August 26, 2016 -
art forum, August 19, 2016 -
New affordable-art website Collectionair backed by curatorial big-hitters
The Art Newspaper, August 1, 2016 -
Installation - As Christian Boltanski unveils a giant, inventive work in Scotland, Jane Ure-Smith talks to him about his
Jane Ure-Smith, FT Weekend, July 30, 2016 -
Cameron Robbins: Field Lines at MONA
fluoro, July 15, 2016 -
Cameron Robbins
Sophie Knezic, Frieze, July 10, 2016 -
Cameron Robbins’s Elemental Art Instruments at MONA Tasmania
Nicholas Forrest, BlouninARTINFO, July 5, 2016 -
Maria Abramovic - Playing with Shadows
Peter Hill, Artpress, July 1, 2016 -
Cameron Robbins: Field Lines
Andrew Harper, artlink, June 30, 2016 -
Gallery + Review: Dark Mofo
Marcus Teague, Broadsheet, June 27, 2016 -
United Visual Artists manipulates passage of time in new light installation chamber
Jamie Green, It's Nice That, June 24, 2016 -
United visual artists' large-scale light installation plays with the perception of time
Nina Azzarello, Design Boom, June 20, 2016 -
This Year's Dark Mofo Will Make You Feel Inconsequential in a Good Way
wendy syfret, vice, June 17, 2016 -
Field Lines
Lisa Dib, Warp Magazine, June 17, 2016 -
Maddie In Mona: The Gilbert And George Exhibition
Maddie Burrows, togatus, June 16, 2016 -
This Year's Dark Mofo Will Make You Feel Inconsequential in a Good Way
Wendy Syfret, The Creators Project, June 16, 2016 -
Cameron Robbins' art from the natural elements
abc news, June 15, 2016 -
Odd happenings are big attraction to dark Hobart
Tim Douglas, The Australian, June 15, 2016 -
Dark Mofo 2016: an opening weekend of endurance, immersion and dark art
clem bastow, the guardian , June 14, 2016 -
Dark Mofo and the affective power of a creative storm
The Conversation, June 14, 2016 -
Light Trails and Echoes Form a Massive, Multisensory Canvas
Kevin Holmes, The Creators Project, June 14, 2016 -
Dark Mofo review: Tasmania's winter arts festival breaks all the rules
The Sydney Morning Herald, June 13, 2016 -
The Dark arts to light up city as winter Mofo festival hits Hobart
Kane Young, The Mercury, June 11, 2016 -
Dark Mofo's Dark Park: Watch, wander, feel, eat and drink this space
Gregor Salmon, abc news, June 10, 2016 -
Dark Mofo 2016 (MONA)
Australian Book Review, June 1, 2016 -
digicult, May 27, 2016 -
Cameron Robbins
kent wilson, Artist profile, May 26, 2016 -
MELISSA OGIER, garb wire, May 6, 2016 -
All the things we expect to feel at Dark Mofo this year
time out, April 27, 2016 -
Art Highlights: Affordable Art Website, Feminist Art, and Nude Trump Statues
renee phillips, April 22, 2016 -
Unconventional Museum Sparks Tasmanian Renaissance
Lisa Abend, Newsweek, April 17, 2016 -
MONA Has Announced Their Impressively Weird and Wonderful Dark Mofo 2016 Lineup
sarah ward, concrete playground , April 8, 2016 -
The Modern Medicis
The Economist, April 4, 2016 -
Art Collector, April 4, 2016 -
If You Think Tasmania Is Just Wilderness and Golf, You're Wrong
Susan Gough Henly, Afar, April 2, 2016 -
Tis' the party season
Januaria piromallo, gstaadlife, February 29, 2016 -
David Walsh puts scientists in the curator's seat for new Mona exhibition
Toby Fehily, The Guardian, February 25, 2016 -
Gilbert & George: The Art Exhibition
artshub, February 6, 2016 -
Mathew Briand
Peter Hill, Art Press, February 1, 2016 -
Chiharu Shiota
undo, December 25, 2015 -
The Art Exhibition: Gilbert and George
Stuart Roberts, tasmanian art guide , December 11, 2015 -
The Genius of Gilbert and George’s Pictures at MONA Tasmania
Nicholas Forrest, BlouinArtinfo International, December 7, 2015 -
Gilbert & George
John McDonald, Sydney Morning Herald, December 4, 2015 -
Gilbert & George at MONA
ABC, December 1, 2015 -
Threading Memories With Chiharu Shiota
COLLECTIONAIR, the collectionair's Journal, November 30, 2015 -
ANDREW HARPER, eyeline, November 30, 2015 -
What to expect from Marina Abramovic’s landmark Australian visit
Ros Brennan, Buro 24/7 Australia, November 30, 2015 -
Marina Abramović: 'The planet is dying. We have to be warriors'
The Guardian, November 30, 2015 -
Marina Abramović: Private Archaeology
Canvas & Co, November 30, 2015 -
Marina Abramović's 'Private Archaeology' opens at the Museum of Old and New Art
Madeleine Coorey, Art Daily, November 30, 2015 -
Abramovic Fever
Elli Walsh, Artand, November 30, 2015 -
Gilbert & George: 'The rightwing press may be unpleasant but they're polite'
Monica Tan, The Guardian, November 30, 2015 -
British art duo Gilbert and George launch exhibition at MONA
Fiona Blackwood, ABC News, November 27, 2015 -
Seeing red: Gilbert & George still fired up after more than 40 years of making art
Debbie Cuthbertson, The Sydney Morning Herald, November 27, 2015 -
Iconic artists Gilbert & George are coming to Hobart’s Mona
Rachel Oakley, lost at e minor, November 24, 2015 -
American artist Matthew Barney pushes the boundaries with his new exhibition at MONA
Jane Rankin-Reid, The Mercury, November 22, 2015 -
Rome? I’d rather be in Hobart
AA Gill, The Sunday Times, November 22, 2015 -
TasWeekend: Exhibitionists Gilbert & George are two of a kind
TYSON SHINE, mercury, November 20, 2015 -
Gilbert & George The Art Exhibition
e-flux, November 10, 2015 -
MONA recreates the enchanted island still casting its creative spell
Andrew Stephens, the sydney morning, November 1, 2015 -
Celeste Boursier-Mongenot revolutions
La Biennale di Venizia Guide, November 1, 2015 -
Gentlemen of the gutter
Nick Miller, Spectrum, October 31, 2015 -
Gilbert and George: Life as a Living Sculpture
Rebecca O'Malley, Broadsheet, October 30, 2015 -
Gilbert & George
Steve Dow, Art Guide, October 30, 2015 -
Gilbert & George - “Siamo sculture viventi”
Renato Diez, Arte, October 30, 2015 -
Gilbert & George bring their shock tactics to Mona in Hobart
Nick Miller, The Sydney Morning Herald, October 30, 2015 -
Mathieu Briand: Et In Libertalia Ego, Vol. II
Art Almanac, October 27, 2015 -
Gilbert & George Announce Their First Ever Exhibition In Australasia
Artlyst, October 16, 2015 -
Mathieu Brand: Et In Libertalia Ego, Vol. II
The Guardian, October 9, 2015 -
MONA recreates the enchanted island still casting its creative spell
Andrew Stephens, The Sydney Morning Herald, October 6, 2015 -
An exhibition to treasure
Andrew Harper, Tasweekend, September 19, 2015 -
Hobart's Museum of Old and New Art to host major Gilbert & George show
Dewi Cooke, The Sydney Morning Herald, September 10, 2015 -
'We are Gilbert & George': artist duo to visit Mona for first Australian show
Nancy Groves, The Guardian, September 10, 2015 -
Mathieu Briand
e-flux, September 3, 2015 -
Mathieu Briand to Expand Pirate’s Utopia at MONA Tasmania
BlouinArtinfo International, August 7, 2015 -
The experience machine
Fiona McGregor, The Monthly, August 1, 2015 -
“Three Stars Shine Brightly at the 56th Venice Biennale: Joan Jonas, Sarah Lucas, and Céleste Boursier-Mougenot”
David Ebony, artbooks / Yale University Press, July 7, 2015 -
Mireille Sartore, cote magine, July 1, 2015 -
Marina Abramovic’s Paradigm-Shifting Australian Power Play
Nicholas Forrest, BlouinArtinfo International, June 29, 2015 -
Marina Abramovic: Private Archaeology
The Sydney Morning Herald, June 27, 2015 -
Strangers in a strange land
John McDonald, Sydney Morning Herald , June 27, 2015 -
Strangers in a strange land
The Canberra Times, June 27, 2015 -
Céleste Boursier-Mougenot Brings Motorized Trees to Venice Biennale
Brian Boucher, artnet news, June 26, 2015 -
Marina Abramovic in Residence: a miraculous respite from the stresses of life
John McDonald, Brisbane Times, June 26, 2015 -
Interview: maverick museum-owner David Walsh
Gareth Harris, Financial Times, June 26, 2015 -
Marina Abramovic: A Study in Resilience
Dan Rule, Broadsheet, June 25, 2015 -
Excavating Marina Abramovic’s Private Archaeology
Matt Delbridge, Arts Review, June 22, 2015 -
Dark Mofo festival: a newcomer's take
Madhvi Pankhania, the guardian, June 20, 2015 -
Performance pioneer excavates her past
Debbie Cuthbertson, The Age, June 17, 2015 -
Abramović v Walsh, believer v sceptic
Gina Fairley, Artshub, June 16, 2015 -
Excavating Marina Abramović’s Private Archaeology – review
Matt Delbridge, The Conversation, June 15, 2015 -
The present tense
Andrew Purcell, The Age, June 13, 2015 -